The Rocky Mountain Alzheimer's Summit is designed for interdisciplinary healthcare professionals, direct care workers, older adults, and caregivers of individuals with dementia.
Wednesday, May 18th Caregiver Workshops 9am-4pm • Medical Caregiving Workshop for all caregivers • Dementia Behavior Management and Communication Workshop
Thursday, May 19th 8 am - 4:45 pm Principles of Dementia Diagnosis and Treatment, : An Update on Alzheimer Medications, Care Coordination with Families, Assessing Decisional Capacity in Persons with Dementia, Cultural Awareness in Dementia Services, Cultural Competency, Communicating with People Living with Dementia, Gentle Approaches to Bathing/ Hygiene, Centers for Excellence Panel.
Friday, May 20th 8 am - 4:45 pm Reducing the Risk of Dementia, COVID and Brain Change, Risk Reduction Programs in Wyoming, SHARE Caregiver Intervention, Music Therapy, Cognitive Stimulation Therapy